Friday, August 20, 2010

You Have Stolen My Heart

As-salam & Hye...

Aktiviti sementara menunggu waktu berbuka puasa petang semalam... tu pun mcm lemau2 je nak buat..


Designer : Lizzie Kate
Fabric : 14ct Cream Aida


shogun_na said...

wow.....nak boleh??
nak chart nye la....saje je.....buat terliur LIZZIE KATE fan nie .... Huhuhu...

Unknown said...

Lizzie Kate designs are distinctively whimsical. I enjoy reading your blog and you really are a tenacious x-stitcher!

cikgu_zana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wanie Aziz said...

nice.totally nice!=)

time to enjoy said...

cantiknye.cepatnye siapkan

farmer's daughter said...

hii kak..cantik hasil kerja akak.. sy bru belajar hehe

vishnu said...

Hi... I am looking for dmc cross stitch threads in KL for somebody close to me in India... Can you please suggest where can I find that?
You can mail me at It will be helpful if you can do that.

Like your work.


shah said...


anak perempuan saya berminat dgn cross stitch. Dia telah belajar di sekolah dan sekarang berminat meneruskan hobinya. Di mana saya boleh mendapatkan bahan2 dan sample. Kami berada di Teluk Intan Perak. Kalau dapt yg di beli on-line pun boleh juga.

kalau puan tahu, tolong emailkan kepada saya di

Anonymous said...

Great site! Your style is so refreshing compared to most other people. Post thank you for every time you get the chance, I'll be sure to save your website!

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Unknown said...

HI Alynn,
I was browsing thru your blog, and I am very happy to see

such beautiful stitches.I was also browsing one of the blog-crossstitch malaysia.

Currently I am in search for part time cross stitchers to set up a business of completed cross stitch.

Do reply me if you have any interest in becoming a part
time cross stitcher.

Happy stitching :)

Um_Ma said...

Assalamu Alaikum.

I wish someone will find my message here and will help me... InshaAllah i'm going to visit Kuala-Lumpur. And i wish to by some stitching stuff.... I soooo much need the information about some cooooool shop in Kuala-lumpur to buy some threads cloth for stitching etc. Please, help me.. ))

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Unknown said...

Akak. Sy nak contact akak utk buat pameran kat universiti malaya boleh? 011 1080 8717

Unknown said...

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Jika ya, silahkan kunjungi website kami atau untuk info selengkapnya.

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